A retrospective of sorts

2021 was a weird year. For all of us. For me, it meant a new job. It was a temporary gig, and it just finished. I kept applying to other positions while working, but had to face a bunch of rejections. I cried every time I got one. I'm not good with rejection. It also … Weiterlesen A retrospective of sorts

Jahresrückblick 2018

1. Ganz grob auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10: Wie war dein Jahr? 8 2. Zugenommen oder abgenommen? Erst langsam zu-, dann schlagartig und danach langsam abgenommen. Gegenwärtig bin ich so schlank wir vor 10 Jahren zuletzt... 3. Haare länger oder kürzer? Länger. Keine Zeit für den Friseur, dann kurz vorm Jahreswechsel kürzer, weil … Weiterlesen Jahresrückblick 2018

Three months breastfeeding

I like breastfeeding. To me, it's convenient, easy, and cheap. Though it really came naturally into us, we've had some struggles. (I know that no everyone can or want to breastfeed. That is totally fine.) I intend to continue breastfeeding my baby for a year. After that, we'll see. But sometimes one can't be out … Weiterlesen Three months breastfeeding